♫Learn Music with a Purpose♫

Level 3

♫“Beethoven tells you what it’s like to be Beethoven and Mozart tells you what it’s like to be human. Bach tells you what it’s like to be the universe.” ― Douglas Adams♫


Advanced students have a strong desire to play or perform music. They may even have a desire to compose their own pieces/songs as well! The advanced student has shown proficiency at playing an instrument, singing, composing, or arranging. This student may have even taken private lessons for voice or an instrument. The goal of Level 3 is to challenge the student to prepare themselves to rightly know how to listen and play music, but also how to understanding music on many levels autonomously. There is a large music theory component to the Level 3 course… are you up to the challenge?♫

♫The same disciplines will be covered in all levels of instruction but the Level 3 course digs deep down in each area of instruction. Students will learn the foundations of Western Music through College 101-201 level instruction. They will also research music history, use technology to produce their own music, improvise, sight-sing, and expand their musical literacy. Enroll in the Level 3 course today and get the most out of your musical education!♫

Uploaded by Note Distinction Note Distinction on 2019-05-19.

Prescribed age: 14-18/Advanced